Friday, December 4, 2015


For this week's post, please choose one of the following films to watch: either Herzog's 1987 fiction film Cobra Verde (streaming free online here) or his 1998 non-fiction film Little Dieter Needs to Fly (streaming free online here).  Both films are available for $2.99 at iTunes and Amazon, etc. as well.

Once you've watched the film of your choice, please let me know what you thought about it, especially in terms of how it does - or even more interestingly, does not - connect to the work and words of Herzog's we've been studying so far this semester.

Write whatever you'd like but please be sure to address the following questions within your response no matter what:
  • Of the two films I offered here, why did you choose the one you did? Please explain.
  • If you chose the fiction film Cobra Verde, please take a moment to detail any moments in that film that either were or seemed to be real or at least not fictional.
  • And if you chose to watch Little Dieter Needs to Fly, please detail any moments here that either were or seemed to be not real or fictional.
Enjoy whichever film you choose to watch, please leave your comments here by no later than Wednesday at noon - and I look forward to seeing you and your final papers come Thursday morning!